Menthol Cigarettes Can Hurt You More

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Smoking is a bad habit that risks the health of your heart and blood vessels. The newest research shows smoking increases the risk of stroke, especially for those who smoke menthol flavour for their cigarettes.

As reported in Achieves of Internal Medicine, researchers stated that people who smoked menthol-flavour cigarettes had a more significant risk of stroke than those who smoked non-menthol-flavour.  

According to a study done by a Canadian researcher, the risk of having a stroke was prevalent among female menthol-flavour smokers and those of non-African race. 

The study even suggested avoiding smoking menthol-flavour cigarettes to suppress the risk of stroke. And most importantly, everyone should avoid all kinds of cigarettes since they pose disease risks. 

“All are bad; everything has been said. From the perspective of reducing risk, the study suggested keeping away cigarettes at least the menthol flavour.” Said Nicholas Vozoris, the medical clinic staff of St Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Canada.

In his study, Vozoris used information from lifestyle and health surveys, including 5,028 adult smokers. The surveys were committed between the years 2001 to 2008.

In general, 26 per cent of respondents said they used to smoke menthol flavour, and the rest smoked non-menthol flavour.  

The expert suggested that menthol encouraged people to try smoking, making it difficult for them to quit because the taste camouflaged the strong tobacco aroma.   

Among the menthol-flavour smokers, 3.4 per cent said they’d suffered from a stroke. Meanwhile, there were 2.7 per cent of non-menthol-flavour smokers had a stroke.

After considering several factors such as gender, ethnic groups, and ages of smokers and several smoked cigarettes, Vozoris concluded that menthol-flavour smokers were exposed to the risk of stroke twice higher as those who had smoked non-menthol-flavour. The differences were evident to women and to those who were non-Afro-American.

Among the subjects, stroke was three times more likely to be found among menthol-flavour smokers. However, Vozoris said that the study could not confirm that the menthol-flavour cigarettes alone contributed to the incremental risks of having a stroke since there were other unmeasured differences between menthol-flavour and non-menthol-flavour smokers.

The study also suggested menthol cigarettes were uncorrelated to the risk of hypertension, chronic respiratory disease, or even heart attack compared to regular cigarettes.

The President of the American Heart Association (AHA) and The Director of Cardiology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Gordon Tomaselli, considered that the study had shown a correlation between menthol-flavour smoking habit and the risk of stroke but not correlated to hypertension.

According to Vozoris, it could be the menthol substance inside the smoke that severely affects blood vessels, mainly those which supply oxygen to the brain.

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